I guide career-driven moms to cultivate calm, focus and joy without turning to food, alcohol or cigarettes with my Habit Transformer Method


Experiencing This?

  • Intense cravings for foods high in fat, sugar, and salt

  • Urges to sooth self with food

  • Using food as a reward

  • Eating even when not hungry

  • Eating until feeling uncomfortably stuffed

  • Guilt, shame, & regret after emotional eating episodes

  • Overeating when when feeling worried, anxious, or emotional

By addressing the root causes of emotional eating and encouraging healthier habits, the Habit Transformer Method supports breaking free from the cycle of 'regret, shame, and guilt.'

The stress management techniques included are designed to promote calm and focus.

This approach helps individuals feel more in control, confident in their skin, and reduces the stress often associated with weight concerns.


Experiencing This?

  • Yellowed teeth and stained fingers

  • More frequent respiratory issues or colds

  • Noticeable reduction in sense of taste and smell

  • Challenges with exercise or reduced physical endurance

  • Feeling fatigued or low on energy

  • Disruptions in sleep

  • Premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles

  • Financial stress from the cost of cigarettes

  • Concerns about potential long-term health risks
    (like lung cancer or heart disease)

  • Struggling to quit smoking even with the desire to stop

The Habit Transformer Method is designed to empower individuals to break free from smoking by addressing the core reasons behind cravings.

With powerful tools like hypnosis and stress management, the process focuses on taking control, managing stress without cigarettes, and regaining health and vitality.

Many have found that this method not only helps to gradually reduce reliance on smoking but also transforms lives—leading to a stronger, more focused mindset, and a greater sense of control over the future.


Experiencing This?

  • Alcohol cravings that feel hard to manage

  • Mood shifts that affect your relationships and daily life

  • Frequent headaches that disrupt your focus

  • Memory problems or feeling mentally foggy

  • Decreased productivity, making it hard to keep up with work or personal goals

  • Concerns about liver damage and other health risks

  • Struggles with malnutrition and poor diet choices

  • Hangovers resulting in feeling drained and unwell

Alcohol can quietly affect nearly everything—from personal health to relationships.

Over time, it may lead to health issues like liver damage, fatigue, and memory problems, while also disrupting focus, productivity, and social connections.

Ultimately, alcohol can become a significant barrier to both happiness and success.

The Habit Transformer Method supports reducing or quitting drinking by addressing the root causes of habits and building healthier routines.

By uncovering triggers and using techniques like hypnosis, and stress management, the method aims to foster lasting change and help regain control.


As a Hypnosis Counselor specializing in Habit Transformation, I work with individuals to identify and address the underlying causes of emotional eating, drinking, and smoking.

Using food, alcohol, or cigarettes to cope with challenges often only temporarily covers up the real issues. Avoiding these problems can sometimes make them feel even more overwhelming or lead to new challenges.

My approach focuses on supporting positive, lasting changes that help individuals feel better from the inside out, stay calm and focused, and work toward their goals for a more fulfilling life.